Access Keys:

Ballymacrickett Primary School and Nursery Unit, Glenavy

School Routine

Children arriving between 8.00am and 8.45am are supervised in the canteen where breakfast is available.

Payment for breakfast club will be £2 via ParentPay but please be aware that payment for breakfast is cash only.  

Children arriving at school between 8.45am and 9.00am are supervised by the teaching staff in their respective classrooms. All children should be in class by 9.00am.

Children arriving after 9.00am: please enter the school via the front doors. A member of staff will assist the child/ren to their classroom.  


P1-4 10.30-10.45

P5-P7 10.45-11.00


P1-4 12.05-12.45

P5-P7 12.35-1.15


∗Classes are dismissed as follows: 

P1, P2 Mon-Thurs 2.00pm | Fri 1.30pm 

P3 (Term1) Mon-Thurs 2.00pm* | Fri 1.30pm  

P4, P5, P6, P7 Mon-Thurs 3.00pm | Fri 2.00pm 


*Changing to 3:00pm finishing time for Terms 2 and 3.

In the interests of safeguarding, we kindly request that parents remain outside the school building. 

Please find a review of our end of school day procedures to ensure the safe and orderly departure of all our pupils.

Pupils in Nursery and P1

Children in Nursery and P1 may be collected directly at their classroom doors. This allows us to ensure their safe departure and handover.


Pupils in P2-P7

Pupils will be led outside by their class teachers at their respective finishing times (2pm/3pm). Please make the class teacher aware when your child has been handed over to you safely.


Early Collection

To support teaching staff in the completion of lessons and end of school day procedures, we request that pupils ARE NOT collected at classroom doors BEFORE their scheduled finishing times. Should you need to collect your child BEFORE the 2pm/3pm finishing times, please proceed to the school office where a member of staff will assist you.


Please note that P4-P7 classes will require the playground from 2pm onwards each day for outdoor lessons. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping this space available for educational activities.

Thank you for your continued support in helping us to maintain a safe and orderly environment for our pupils.