Our Vision

Ballymacrickett Primary School and Nursery Unit promotes learning for life and high achievement by working with children to:
- practise the Catholic faith in their daily lives.
- have high self esteem – respecting themselves, others, our local community and the world around us.
- recognise their talents and acquire the knowledge and skills to be their individual best.
- become happy, enthusiastic, highly motivated life-long learners.
- be able to work independently and collaboratively.
- gain the necessary skills to equip them for our ever changing world.
We believe that each child will succeed through experiencing quality in:
- a Catholic ethos of support and encouragement, where diversity is embraced and success is celebrated.
- a broad and challenging curriculum, ensuring inclusion and equality of opportunity.
- a learning partnership between school, home, parish and the wider community.
- a safe, healthy, stimulating learning environment.
- innovative teaching and an investigative approach to learning.
We demonstrate our commitment to working as a learning community by:
- continually striving for improvement by working together towards common goals.
Ballymacrickett Primary School and Nursery Unit, 41 Scroggy Rd, Glenavy, Crumlin Co. Antrim BT29 4NE Phone: 028 9442 2708