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Ballymacrickett Primary School and Nursery Unit, Glenavy


28th Apr 2020

Hello to all our P7 girls and boys,

We hope you are all keeping well and staying safe.  This is a very strange time for all of us but we know you will be able to keep yourselves busy, maybe following a similar routine to our P7 day, and trying your very best with all the work we have sent.  Remember to READ something you enjoy everyday and help with some chores around the house - EVERY LITTLE HELPS!  

Also remember to log in to your 'MY SCHOOL' account and checkout what's been happening on the C2k NEWSDESK.  Have you tried any of the Sentinus STEM or Sustrans challenges/activities yet? These are posted every week on the school website - why not take a photo and send it to us to post! You might also like to complete the 'My 2020 Covid-19 Time Capsule' booklet that is also on our website.

We also wanted you to know that we are missing all of you.  This week we would have been getting ready to go on our residential to Greenhill and next week we would have been busy making the final preparations for your confirmation.  We feel a bit sad and disappointed that we are missing out in celebrating these events with you but we do hope that,  when we can, we will be back together sometime soon to share our experiences of 'staying at home'. 

In the meantime, enjoy the lovely weather and this extra family time, keep exercising and eating healthily, get lots of rest and enjoy being creative while keeping those brains of yours stimulated with the work we have sent.

Take care,

The P7 Team Xx